In this section:
We work on the principle that good behaviour and hard work is rewarded.
To reward positive behaviour, teachers use whole school and class rewards, including ‘House Points’.
All children start each day with a ‘House Point’ for following the general expectations set out in class. Children can receive extra house points for demonstrating the school values (e.g. kindness and respect), completing homework and going above and beyond with their work.
Once a child reaches 30 ‘House Points’, they will be presented with a ‘Rocket’ certificate in Friday Celebration Assembly. After earning 4 Rocket certificates, children can then earn Satellite certificates.
Whilst inappropriate behaviour is rare in school. Inappropriate behaviour is be dealt with through warnings and discussing the child’s behaviour with them. This may result in the child not earning their ’House Point’. More serious inappropriate behaviour incidents will be dealt with in line with the school ‘Behaviour Policy’ and will involve a member of the Senior Leadership Team debriefing with the child and reflecting on how they can turn over a ‘new leaf’.
A full copy of the Behaviour Policy is in the policies section.
Mrs Noon (Headteacher)
Whitwick St John the Baptist
Parsonwood Hill
LE67 5AT
Tel: 01530 832116
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