In this section:
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, health and sport are one the schools key priorities.
The School Games values of self-belief, determination, passion, team-work, respect and honesty underpin our approach to 'School Sport' and 'Physical Education (P.E)'.
We have a strong tradition of providing a rich additional extra-curricular provision that extends children’s experiences beyond just P.E lessons.
You can find out details about how we spend our P.E and Sport Premium' in the 'Key Information' section.
Sporting Achievements
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, we actively participate in a wide range of sporting competitions through the North West Leicestershire Sports Partnership and the Coalville Collaborative Group.
Information about all of our latest sporting achievements can be found in the latest newsletters and on the school Twitter Page.
You can also find our 'Roll of Honour' here which details our teams that have reached Level 3 Leicestershire County Finals over the years.
Club Activ8 (Everyone Active)
Everyone Active and its partners at North West Leicestershire District Council work together to make activities more accessible for young people in the community.
As a part of our P.E & Sport Premium grant, we pay for children to access a scheme called 'Activ8' which encourages physical activity outside of school time.
As the school have signed up to the scheme, the children automatically receive weekly points during term time (once parent's have signed up) which can then be used to pay for activities. For further information please visit here
North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership (NWLSSP)
We work with the School Sports Partnership, who are a collaboratively funded group bringing together the North West Leicestershire primary and high schools to deliver inter- school competitions, sports festivals, PE training opportunities and network meetings for PE Coordinators.
For a full list of competitions and events please visit here
Selection of Children for Sporting Events
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, we consider many elements when selecting children for sporting events.
Most sporting events which Whitwick enter are run by the NWLSSP and the events are organised as follows:
Performance-Based Competitions (Including Kirby Shield and Rose Bowl Competitions)
These competitions cater for the most talented athletes and teams that a school can field, subject to some eligibility criteria.
These competitions are an opportunity to showcase the sporting prowess of the school and for teams to progress to County finals and in most competitions to Regional and National finals.
As these events are competitive, the school chooses pupils based on ability (sometimes, wherever possible, after a trial). The school will always try to enter the maximum amount of teams possible which can mean at times three teams being entered.
Development Competitions
These competitions are another strand of competitive school sport where the focus is to increase the number of individual pupils that represent schools.
These competitions provide the opportunity for less engaged pupils, or those pupils who are engaged but would not normally make the first team, to participate in traditional and non-traditional competitions.
These competitions allow the school to provide sporting opportunities (which are competitive) to other students and it allows other pupils to represent the school at sport, rather than the most talented few monopolising the competition offer.
Once again the school will always try to enter the maximum amount of teams possible which can mean at times three teams being entered.
Sporting Events and Festivals
These festivals and events provide the potential for different pupils, outside of the above competition pathways to represent their school in an event that is first and foremost about taking part and developing skills through sport.
Other Sporting Opportunities
The school will also enter other sporting events such as the NWL Cross Country League and will arrange friendly matches and festivals with other schools outside the NWLSSP remit. Wherever possible, the school tries to look for other pupils to participate in these and a whole range of sporting activities.
Click here to see the timetable for our lunch time and after-school clubs during the Summer Term...
Mrs Noon (Headteacher)
Whitwick St John the Baptist
Parsonwood Hill
LE67 5AT
Tel: 01530 832116
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